Monday, April 20, 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Causey

I promise to be patient with you and to notice your effort, 



I promise that I will show you kindness , I promise that no matter what insecurity tries to take place in my heart I will remember that you only have eyes for me.    


I promise to humble myself and allow you to always lead me with your heart that pursues the Lord fully.  



I promise that when I just have to be right or need reassurance, that I will take a step back and consider your feelings. 



I promise to not take things personally but always laugh and joke with you. I will always assume the best and believe for the best and be the best for you.    


I promise to celebrate with you in everything, in all of your victories and all of your triumphs. I will always be your biggest fan. I promise to carry your burdens with you and cry with you whenever the time comes.  


I promise to give 100% every single day, even when I don’t know where it will come from.  I promise to be brave for you and see the glass half full always. 

And when I have nothing to give I promise to lean on the Lord before you. I promise to never ask of you anything that I should get from Him first and only. 

And the days that I am too much. I promise to check my heart, as to honor the Lord and you. 

I promise to walk through the fire with you and stand on the mountain tops with you. 

I promise that when I cant always keep my promises, that I will love you fiercely, stay in the Word, and cling to the Lord, while we conquer everyday of our lives together.

I love you Cody Warren Causey I am so glad that it was always you.

All Pictures by Trey Freeman

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