Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Perfect Pursuit"

Or rather, the flaw in "perfect pursuit"...

This new phrase is new to some, so to the generation older than me by 5 years, that can't even understand the context to those words, "perfect pursuit". So ill sum it up very quickly.
It is where a man [not boy], MAN of GOD, pursues a woman of God. Fully, completely, as Christ pursues the church. As Boaz pursued Ruth (Ruth 2). As Isaac pursued Rebecca (Genesis 24). It is a fierce love that is captivated all young ladies across this, Rick Pino, Judah Smith and Heaven kissing earth generation. I know of hundreds of ladies, (myself included, years ago) who have made a "list". It includes hair, body type but is not limited to accent and music genre alone. It has every biblical attribute known to man. Covering the best singing voice, the most passionate heart and the loudest prayer, alike. It has any where from 32-102 of the most spiritual and sincere characteristics that any woman can conjure up. I actually know girls who have taken months and years to perfect this list. It now hangs from a mirror that they look at and pray over everyday. Patiently waiting for him, Mr. Perfect Pursuit, to come along, and make their God fairy tale a reality.


Let me just say that I love the standard of Holiness that these girls have, the desire to seek Him first and alone. To be fully whole in Christ BEFORE ever letting any man have their attention, heart and body. It is beautiful and it is real and it should be celebrated. There are some girls who have wished their past looked differently and so they too have chosen this ride. And I AM SO PROUD!!!

But I MUST, along this road send out the most heart felt and most alarming warning to you, darling, if this post so far has made you wonder if I met with your small group leader earlier this week.

And As a kind reminder, I will say, I am just like you. I have been there and done that; and THIS is what the Lord has taught me through it...

The "perfect pursuit: is a hoax, as far as it is concerning a MAN pursuing a WOMAN. There is NOT a man who will know what you are thinking every time you cry, there is not a man who is going to be outside of your hardest class of the semester with a dozen roses every day. There is not a man that whenever you chip your nail is going to pull a gift card to a mani/pedi out of his back pocket, drop you off at the salon, pick you up with a PSL, and drive you home so you can take a shower and put on the perfectly fitting dress that he picked up for you, with perfectly matching jewelry too.


There IS a man that will do those things, he will try his hardest and he will give 100% ALOT of days. BUT he will be HUMAN, he will have struggles and low days. He will get a head ache sometimes and not want to come over to cook that night. He isn't perfect. Because he was never meant to be.

Wanting a guy to pray over you and your relationship is vital. wanting a guy who loves his momma more than he can express is impressive. And wanting a man who puts Christ before you is absolutely, with out a doubt, the most important thing.

But sweetheart, you have done all the amazing men of God out there a complete disservice. Avoiding eye contact and not responding to txt messages. Refusing to accept a tea cup that he saw so picked up for you.

Young lady, you are making it impossible to see the gems that are walking you to class, or remembering to ask about your dads knee surgery. Not every guy is the right one for you and yes you should be picky!!! What I want to let you know is, YOU won't always be the perfect wife and mother, You wont always be the perfect girlfriend for that matter. There will be days that you will be selfish and unconsolable. SO why have we made any man that shows interest go through Dante's Inferno to take us to coffee?

Yes, there could be heart ache, and yes you may miss it a time or 2 or 7. But when you desire to honor the Lord, you will see that it isn't as scary as your friends made it seem.

Im not here to be Debby Downer.

Quite the opposite really.

Im here to point you to TRUE love that is real and authentic. One that should never be replaced by man. Once it is grasped, you can her completely confident in it and no longer EXPECT "perfect". It only existed once and that was on a tree.

Because of Christ love and grace, we don't have to be perfect and neither will our spouse have to be. GRACE covers it, grace makes a way. If you are looking at Jesus, those flaws in that guy will show up, but you will love with grace.

The root of the problem is looking at "self". You don't deserve it, you don't HAVE to have it, he wasn't designed for you and neither were you for him. You both were designed by a loving creator to point to Him and Him alone, for His glory. So lets stop making ourself our own gods and remember that He is never going to led us astray. Stop living in fear that you will miss it. Have you yet?? No. Thats because He has been with you the whole way. He has you sweetheart, calm down.

Romans 8:38-39

*Please comment and ask questions, I would love to clear up any concerns with my ever so bold post, to some*

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